And why, you ask, is she bothering to write in a blog so ignored by her family and loved ones that no one ever checks it or writes comments? Call it reminiscence, call it nostalgia, a certain je ne sais quoi. All I know is I have no way to vent currently, I never seem to put pen to paper anymore and typing is so much easier. Perhaps if I know certain beloved roommates, callously spread out across a cold cruel world, will be reading this, it will inspire me to keep up an online journal. Oops wait a minute. Can hear a cat fight outside I have to break up…
Haha, back. It wasn't my cat after all. When I realised I wouldn't be responsible for patching up either of the combatants, I apologised and quietly crept away, leaving them to resume battle.
Since I left Taipei when it was so hot our eyeballs were sweating, I forgot how cold it was in Sydney. Here are a couple pics of what I had to wear when I got back, how messy my room was and Dad's birthday.The family were doing well, but the room!! I tell you, that place was such a disaster zone, it ended up saving me from the reverse-culture shock depression that hits all travellers when they return home. It became my mission. There were holes in the WALLS. I had to putty them up, sand everything down and paint walls, architraves and ceiling. Unfortunately I did it in exactly the wrong order. Never paint the ceiling last is all I can say...
My little sister helped me put up all my pictures and choose Chocolate and Antique Ivory for my walls.
Though I had to make the bookshelf myself
My bed is directly under these hangings but it wouldn't all fit in the frame. And let's be honest, everyone's already seen my bed :)Many curse words were heard that week. I was drinking a glass of red by 10am each morning to fortify myself for the struggle. But in the end, it looked pretty damn good and my family was still alive. and more importantly, still talking to me.
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